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Closing of the "Winter stage" of the all-Russian student agricultural (livestock) unit "MoST-2019»


In Voronezh Region the closing ceremony of the "Winter stage" of national student agricultural (livestock) of group "the Bridge-2019" took place. This year the Group gathered 49 students from 15 regions of Russia, including representatives of Stavropol state agrarian University.

Fighters of the all-Russian student agricultural (livestock) group "Bridge" worked in the territory of 7 livestock complexes of LLC Ekoniva-Agro.

Stavropol State Agrarian University was represented by guys of the student agricultural brigades "Aibolit" and "Technologist", students of the Department of Technology Management and the Department of Veterinary Medicine: Irina Bondikovf, Vadim Kapustin, Valeria Buzykina, Pavel Podpalny.

The children worked for two months as veterinarians and zootechnicians at the dairy farm of EkoNiva-APK holding LLC. More than 40 commissary events were held during the working season.

On results of work of students of the Stavropol GAU was awarded with "bouzouki" Ssho "Bridge". Valery Burykina was awarded the diploma of the management of "EkoNiva Agroindustrial holding" for production figures.

Students tried and got invaluable experience in modern animal husbandry.

The project was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Youth Non-Governmental Organization "RSO", "EkoNiva Agroindustrial holding", a non-profit organization "Association of educational institutions of agriculture and fisheries", Perm Agrarian-Technological University named after the Academician D.N. Pryanishnikov. 

Дата новости для фото:  28.03.2019
Номер новости для фото:  5

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