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Advanced training on the basis of the leading university of Bavaria


The teachers of Stavropol State Agrarian University underwent advanced training under the program “Herd management and breeding of cattle”, which were held at the base of the University of Applied Sciences Vaihenstefan-Trisdorf (Germany).

Lecturers of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Nikolai Zakharovich Zlydnev, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Sergey Aleksandrovich Oleinik completed advanced training courses.

The university has 6400 students, including 5.5% of foreign students, over the past ten years, the increase in the number of students was 70%, which is explained by the modernization and updating of the educational process. Of particular interest is the experience of the University of HSWT in the implementation of the international master's course The International Master's Course in Agricultural Management (Master of Business Administration - MBA), which received support and is being implemented simultaneously in 15 universities from other countries: Russia (4), Ukraine (2 ), Poland (1), Moldova (1), Azerbaijan (1), Armenia (1), Kazakhstan (1), Kyrgyzstan (1), Uzbekistan (2), Tajikistan (1). The peculiarity of the introduction of the international course is due to the fact that graduates will be awarded double degrees from partner universities.

The advanced training program for the management of the dairy herd of cattle included the following sections: feeding technology, feeding ration methodology, animal health management, breeding records, veterinary welfare of the herd.

The peculiarity of dairy farming in Germany is complete well-being in the main types of infectious diseases: leukemia, tuberculosis, brucellosis, leptospirosis and others.

As a result of a meeting with the Вean of the Department Ralph Conrad, an agreement was reached on expanding mutual contacts between universities.

The University of Trizdorf as a educational center has its history since 1748, when German peasants began teaching the basics of competent and profitable livestock farming. In the so-called "Bavarian era", which lasted throughout the XIX century, the educational institution was represented by the Agricultural Technical School Triesdorf. 

Дата новости для фото:  29.03.2019
Номер новости для фото:  8

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