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Build the future now! Meeting of students of the Accounting and Financial Department with representatives of LLC "Soglasie"


A binary lecture on the topic “Prospects for the development of the insurance business in terms of digitalization” was held at the Accounting and Financial Department within the framework of the discipline “Insurance” and the practical training of future managers and specialists in the financial and credit sphere.

The event was organized and conducted by the lecturers of the Finance, Credit and Insurance Chair together with representatives of "Soglasie" - Alexei Vladimirovich Matveyevsky - Head of the Client Relations Department and Lenkova Lyudmila Nikolaevna - Leading Specialist of the Direct Sales Group.

The event was attended by more than 90 people, these were mainly students of the 1st and 3rd courses of the Accounting and Financial Department of the specialization "Economics", the profile "Finance and credit", 2 courses of the specialization "Economic security", as well as students of the secondary vocational department of the specialization "Finance".

The lecture was opened by the Associate Professor of the Chair "Finance, Credit and Insurance" Klishina Julia Evgenievna. She welcomed the specialists of the insurance company and students of SSAU, and also noted that large insurance companies have long been using cooperation with universities as an effective tool for finding potential employees. Yulia Evgenievna gave a practically meaningful assessment of the prospects for expanding the cooperation of the university with the largest insurance companies, while emphasizing that in the hierarchy of the largest insurance companies in Russia, “Soglasie” takes leading positions.

Alexey Vladimirovich Matveevsky analyzed the situation in the area of introducing digital technologies in the insurance market of Russia, outlined the main problems of archiving electronic resources in the insurance industry, demonstrated promising insurance products in the presentation that can be widely used in the digital modernization of the economy.

A.V. Matveyevsky began the lecture with a comprehensive presentation material on the company :Soglasie", which takes an active part in the activities of the Russian insurance community and is a member of a number of professional communities and industry associations, such as the All-Russian Union of Insurers, Russian Union of Motor Insurers, National Union of Liability Insurers, National Union agricultural insurers and others. Representatives of the company are involved in the development and improvement of methodological and regulatory document regulating the insurance market of Russia.

"Soglasie" is actively developing, opening new divisions, creating effective additional jobs in the regions of Russia with a competitive level of remuneration and social benefits, which makes a significant contribution to the company's social development.

The lecturer noted that the insurance company “Soglasie” has been successfully operating in the insurance market for over 20 years. The internal policy of the company allows us to confidently hold high positions in the insurance market and annually increase the number of our clients. Students learned that the company provides virtually all types of insurance for large, medium and small businesses, government agencies and citizens throughout Russia.

Lyudmila Nikolaevna noted that on the basis of the insurance company there is a school of the insurance agent “Soglasie”, and invited interested guys to take part in its work. She told that professional insurance agents are the pride of “Soglasie”. They increase citizens' trust in the insurance company, talk about its competitive advantages, help the company increase the number of customers and occupy a worthy place in the market.

During the feedback, the students present had the opportunity not only to ask questions directly about the internship and employment in the insurance company, but also identified for themselves the area where they can prove themselves as students of SSAU. First-year students shared their first impressions of the university, noting that they were right with his choice.

Alexey Vladimirovich answered many questions with great pleasure, and at the end of the lecture he noted the importance of building a career regardless of job and position, and also invited those present for an internship at the insurance company “Soglasie”.

At the end of the event, a meeting of representatives of IC "Soglasie" was held with the laboratory staff at the work-study laboratory "Insurance Store", during which a joint decision was made to sign an Agreement on strategic cooperation and partnership of SSAU with "Soglasie". 

Дата новости для фото:  30.03.2019
Номер новости для фото:  1

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