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Excursion for students of Stavropol State Agrarian University to the museum and exhibition complex “Russia is my story”


First-year students of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture, together with the curators, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection Pashkova E.V. and senior teacher Mikhno L.A .visited the museum - exhibition complex "Russia - my story."

The 1000-year history of our country is collected in the museum and exhibition complex: from ancient times to modern times. It is presented in two large halls. The first of them covers the period from Ancient Russia to the First World War, and the second tells about the events of the 20th century and up to the present.

Freshmen decided to choose a tour of the two expositions "The Riurikid dynasty - 862-1598" And "The House of Romanov- 1613-1917" The center of the first exposition is a large-scale 20-meter dome representing the video series about the life of Sergius of Radonezh. The museum guide told the students about the ancient cities, introduction of Christianity into Russia, the bicentenary of the Horde yoke and its overcoming, about the fight against foreign invaders, about turning Moscow into one of the centers of European public and political life, about creating a strong and distinctive state. The students watched multimedia reconstructions of the legendary battles of the time of the rise of Muscovy. One of the interesting objects was the so-called “live” book, the images in which appear right before your eyes.

Further, the guide told students about the history of the Romanov dynasty, about the greatest kings and emperors. Over 300 years of dynasty, our country experienced great events: the development of Siberia and the Far East, the reunification of Russia and Ukraine, the founding of the new capital, St. Petersburg, the victory over Napoleon, the incorporation of southern regions into Russia, the abolition of serfdom, unprecedented cultural, scientific and technical industrial climbs and more.

After a two-hour tour, discussions continued for a long time, a large number of questions were asked. The students were satisfied and grateful to the museum staff who helped them to plunge into the history of our immense Motherland. 

Дата новости для фото:  02.04.2019
Номер новости для фото:  6

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