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Computer literacy courses for pensioners have been completed at the Institute of Supplementary Vocational Education


As part of an agreement on cooperation on the basis of the ISVI of Stavropol State Agrarian University, computer literacy courses for pensioners were held. 50 people took part in the training.

For 1.5 months Stavropol pensioners were studying computer programs, search engine and social networks. The organizer of the training program was the Institute of Supplementary Professional Education of Stavropol SAU.

At the closing of the Courses, all participants were greeted by: Andrey Viktorovich Pankratov, Deputy Director of the ISPE, and Raisa Viktorovna Gupalo, Deputy Manager of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Stavropol Territory.

The training was attended by 5 groups of 10 people, the oldest "student" was 92 years old. All participants were awarded certificates. A gift from the Institute was performance of the creative groups from Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Pensioners expressed their gratitude to the University and teachers.

“We are very grateful to the leaders of Stavropol State Agrarian University for organizing computer literacy courses for pensioners.

We have got the knowledge we need in our daily life.

We are especially grateful to Irina Petrovna Kuzmenko, Associate Professor of the Information Systems Department. In plain language she explained new concepts, terms, ways and abilities to use a computer.

Professionalism, kindness and patience of Irina Petrovna are very dear to us.

The training time was not in vain, now we will continue to develop independently, for this we have been given electronic tutorials.

Wonderful guys, assistants of Irina Petrovna, first-year students of the profile “Business informatics” Yury Babenko and Yury Pazov took part in the training, and they also deserve a word of thanks.

We wish prosperity to Stavropol State Agrarian University”. 

Дата новости для фото:  02.04.2019
Номер новости для фото:  11

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