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Acceptance of applications for participation in the All-Russian competition for IT-specialists, designers and managers in the field of digital economy "Digital Breakthrough" started


ANCO “Russia - the Country of Opportunities” set up a project for IT-specialists, designers and project managers in the field of information technologies - “Digital Breakthrough” (the official site of the competition is digital breakthrough.rf). The competition will be held in 40 cities of Russia, including in Stavropol, and it will be held in online testing and hackathon formats.

Hackatons are competitive events where representatives of information technology, designers and managers in teams create prototypes of digital products.

The main goal of the project is to create new professional opportunities for talents in the digital economy. The competition will allow participants to run their technology business, get employment assistance, find like-minded people and form a project team, as well as win a cash prize. In addition, the contestants will have the opportunity to receive training in special educational programs in the “Senezh” Management Workshop.

“Today the acceptance of applications for participation in competition starts. Registration will last until May 12th. Then the participants will face a whole series of tests - online testing in May and regional face-to-face stages, which we will conduct in the summer. We will name the best project teams in the fall, ”said Alexey Komissarov, general director of the Russia - Country of Opportunities autonomous non-profit organization. He clarified that the competition is designed for professionals aged 18 years and will be held annually.

According to Oleg Mansurov, head of the Digital Breakthrough project, “the main and biggest stage of the competition will be regional hackathons”.

“They will be held in 40 cities of the country and will gather several thousand participants. Teams from 3 to 5 people, which will be formed after the online stages, they will create digital prototypes of products for 36 hours for one of the topics we have set. We are sure that this interaction format will help not only to develop products that are really ready for introduction, but also to find like-minded people, ”said Oleg Mansurov.

According to the results of the regional stages, he added, “the best teams will reach the final, and their projects will go to the pre-accelerator”.

The co-organizer of the contest “Digital Breakthrough” is the Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Small-Scale Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere.“People are the cornerstone without which building a digital economy is impossible. It is very important that now a platform has appeared in the country that will unite the efforts of the state and business to select and work with personnel potential. As a ministry, we are ready to assist any initiatives. I am sure that only by working in a dialogue we will be able to achieve results, ”concluded Mikhail Nasibullin, director of the department for coordination and implementation of projects on the digital economy of the RF Ministry of Communications and Mass Media. 

Дата новости для фото:  05.04.2019
Номер новости для фото:  17

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