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As a participant in the international grant program “Internationalization of agroengineering education in Iran and Russia[FARMER]" Stavropol State Agrarian University received a KUKA robot ”


As part of the project, funded by the European Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EEACEA), with co-financing of the EU-Erasmus + program, the International Master Program Agromechotronics is planned to be opened in Stavropol State Agrarian University. An obvious advantage of innovation, organized on the basis of the “Agroengineering” training profile, will be that undergraduates will receive a European-level diploma at the end of this program.

The program will be implemented on a large scale in two Iranian and four Russian Universities. In addition to the SSAU, among the participants: Technical University in Babol and Agrarian University in Sari (Iran); Astrakhan State University, South Ural Technical University (Chelyabinsk), Volgograd Technical University, Platov South Russian State Polytechnic University (Novocherkassk), which will become the coordinator of Russian universities.

Professional work with technically sophisticated technological products is very important in practice. Using this robot, the future specialists - our students, acquire the necessary skills to work with industrial robots.

The modular training cell is equipped with a small KR 3 AGILUS robot and a proven KR C4 compact control system, and it is also equipped and pre-configured to use special didactic applications.

With this robot you can perform tasks of any degree of complexity. From simple tasks, such as stacking, to complex trajectories and corresponding logical programming, as well as multi-axis processing. 

Дата новости для фото:  05.04.2019
Номер новости для фото:  15

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