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VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative Aspects of Service and Tourism Development"


The Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted a plenary session of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference on the theme “Innovative Aspects of Service and Tourism Development”. The organizer was the Department of Tourism and Service, Faculty of Social and Cultural Services and Tourism.

At the opening of the conference, an introductory speech was given to the guest of honor - Stupnikov Evgeny Yuryevich, First Deputy Minister of Tourism and Health Resorts of the Stavropol Territory. He spoke about the current state and prospects of tourist activities in our territory. Further, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Services and Tourism - Ryazantsev Ivan Ivanovich expressed his gratitude to the present and guests for participating in this event and contribution to the development of service and tourism.

The conference was attended by members of the Department of Tourism and Service - A.G. Ivolga, V.S. Varivoda, Yu.M. Elfimova and T.A. Radishauskas, as well as the invited lecturers of Utena University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania) - Ruta Meishte and Aushra Lankauskene. At the plenary session, an online broadcast was conducted with lecturers from Serbia and Lithuania, who also spoke with their reports.

The conference participants were presented diverse theoretical and practical results of information, natural science, economic and socio-cultural research, which allowed to analyze and summarize the existing concepts of tourism and service development.

The format of the conference allowed to discuss the most topical issues and prospects for the development of the tourism industry and services not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries, as well as current trends in innovative development. 

Дата новости для фото:  12.04.2019
Номер новости для фото:  8

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