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Stavropol became the finalist of the contest "Capital of Total Dictation-2019"


Total dictation is a social project that is being implemented by active and caring people. This year, the dictation takes place in eighty countries of the world. Our city entered the final of the Capital of Total Dictation-2019 competition, and the Stavropol State Agrarian University for the fourth time became the base for the Total Dictation. This year, the university organized two sites: for Russian and foreign participants.

On the first platform, the speaker was the journalist of the Stavropol State TV and Radio Company Maria Voronovskaya, on the second - the linguist, Russian language teacher Anna Volkogonova.

The text of the dictation was specially compiled by Russian writer, literary critic and journalist Pavel Basinsky. Foreign project participants performed a grammar test in the first part, then wrote a small fragment of the text from dictation.

The curators of the action at the sites and experts checking the works were teachers of foreign languages ​​and intercultural communication department of the SSAU. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.04.2019
Номер новости для фото:  18

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