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Students and staff of the Agrobiology and Land Resources Faculty took part in the environmental campaign


With the arrival of sunny days and warm weather, first-year students and staff of the Agricultural Chemistry and Plant Physiology Department took part in an environmental campaign dedicated to the city-wide sanitary day in Stavropol.

The main task of the spring saturday voluntary work day was land improvement of Stavropol State Agrarian University. Students and the department staff contributed to the improvement of adjoin streets to the university. In the course of cleaning, students and staff did whitewashing trees and digging the near-wedge strip, cleaned the area from foliage, branches, and occasional rubbish.

Saturday voluntary work day in addition to cleaning the territory performs a number of strategic important tasks such as formation the social responsibility of students and promotes informal communication between students. 

Дата новости для фото:  16.04.2019
Номер новости для фото:  6

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