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"Actual insurance": a meeting of students of accounting and financial faculty with representatives of the insurance company "RESO-Garantia"


The Stavropol State Agrarian University continues to hold traditional meetings of graduate students with representatives of business structures - potential employers. The meeting was held with students from a representative of one of the leading insurance companies in the country RESO-Garantia at the Accounting and Finance faculty. The organizer of this meeting was the Department of Finance, Credit and Insurance.

Insurance company RESO-Garantiya is one of the backbone Russian insurance companies that has been successfully operating in the insurance market for over 25 years and holds very high positions. The company has a license to provide more than 100 types of insurance services and reinsurance activities.

Ekaterina Victorovna Maksimova, a specialist SPAO at RESO-Garantiya, told students about the company's development history, its activities and corporate culture, types of insurance, career opportunities and, of course, the possibility of internship.

During the lecture, the students learned that a novice agent school is working on the basis of RESO-Garantia. Thanks to the RESO School, many residents of Stavropol and Stavropol Territory find their professional way and get the opportunity to earn well. Regular courses for insurance agents began operating in Stavropol in 2013, during which time RESO School specialists have gained a wealth of training experience. Classes on insurance products are conducted by highly qualified employees of the company, managers and business coaches of the RESO School. On average, about 15 training or team building events are held annually.

During the novice agent’s work, more than 1 thousand people have been trained, some of whom have become the main specialists of the insurance company participating in the annual distribution of the company's profits.

The representative of the insurance company prepared a visual presentation, with statistical material, graphs, tables, charts. The meeting was held in the form of a lecture-dialogue.

During the conversation with a representative of the insurance company, students asked many questions about the top 5, top 10 insurance companies, about the relevance of insurance products, the introduction of new ones, as well as the unprofitability of OSAGO.

This material is studied by students in the framework of the discipline "Insurance", but it is much more interesting to talk with a practitioner in this matter.

The issue of career growth did not remain without attention, as well as the basic requirements for future specialists. Ekaterina Viktorovna told that she is a graduate of the accounting and financial faculty of the “Economics” direction, the “Finance and credit” profile, and is currently successfully studying in the “Finance and Credit” magistracy direction, the master's program “Corporate Finance and finance and credit institutions”. The insurance company expert expressed the opinion that it is necessary to get a master's degree, noted the importance of a master's degree in the professional career of graduates and made an emphasis on the influence of a master's degree when moving up the career ladder.

At the end of the event, the students could not only find out from the representative of the business community all their questions, but also fill out questionnaires for participating in the work of the school of novice agents RESO-Garantia.

Insurance company expert Maksimova E.V. reported that meetings of students and representatives of insurance companies are very important, both from the point of view of consolidating educational material in the chosen direction or specialty, and from the practical side in order to increase the competitiveness of future graduates.

In conclusion, we would like to express my deep gratitude to our partners for their active participation in the event, as well as to thank Maximova Ekaterina Viktorovna for the assistance provided in conducting the lecture. 

Дата новости для фото:  16.04.2019
Номер новости для фото:  5

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