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Master class "The art of communication" from the strategic partner of the Agrarian University


At the accounting and finance department of the Stavropol State Agrarian University teachers of the Financial Management and Banking Department associate professor E.A. Ostapenko, and senior lecturer S.Yu. Shamrina, together with Stavropol Branch No. 5230 of PAO Sberbank held a master class “The Art of Communication”.

With students, the work was carried out by the partner relations manager of the Stavropol Branch No. 5230 of PAO Sberbank Vahan Grigorievich Hayrapetyan. The speaker said that the success of a career is affected by the ability to communicate with other people and the level of person’s confidence, and not just his professional knowledge and skills!

At the master class a lot of provocative topics were touched upon that aroused particular interest among students. Vagan Grigorievich actively communicated with the audience, told how to capture attention and involvement, what means the totality of communications and what conclusions can be drawn about modern means of communication.

Students were passionate about the topic, asked questions and participated in the discussion.

The ability to communicate is important in every profession. Because it is simply impossible to carry out work without interacting with other people - colleagues, partners, customers. However, there are professional areas in which work will allow the outgoing employee not only to feel comfortable, but also to maximize his potential. 

Дата новости для фото:  17.04.2019
Номер новости для фото:  12

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