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Research on the R&D “Development of scientifically based recommendations for improving the agrotechnical efficiency of the process growing crops in the context of direct seeding technology”


A group of scientific and pedagogical workers and students of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources conducted surveys and observations on the R&D theme “Development of scientifically based recommendations for improving the agrotechnical efficiency of the growing crops process under the conditions of direct sowing technology”.

Research is conducted on the basis of four large farms in Stavropol, which introduce the technology of direct sowing of field crops and are strategic partners of the faculty departments.

A distinctive feature of the farms where soil and plant samples were selected, counts and observations, and this is CJSC Kalininskoye of the Budyonnovsky District and the SEC collective farm Gigant of the Gregory District, is that along with the introduction of the new technology the farms also do not refuse.

The positive effect of zero technology is the reproduction of soil fertility is the protection of soil from erosion processes, the accumulation and preservation of moisture in the soil, the departure from air and soil drought, the accumulation of organic matter.

Дата новости для фото:  17.04.2019
Номер новости для фото:  4

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