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Competitive tests in WorldSkills Russia at the Agrarian University


In the outgoing week, the University hosted the WorldSkills Russia University stage — talented guys from all corners of the region were testing knowledge and competing in mind power. After all, at stake was the right to be called the best in their field.

For four days, students had to go through a real school of professional growth - in each of the five competencies, be it agronomy, prototyping, entrepreneurship, electrical installation or hotel administration, there were their own tests and pitfalls of non-standard tasks.

Even participants of such an exact and technical discipline as «Prototyping» had to show their creative talents, because one of the criteria for evaluating the work was the artistic and color design of the product. And future hoteliers had to solve the most unusual requests of their «clients».

The speed and quality of the tasks execution in absolutely all competencies were observed by an experienced jury composed of three certified specialists and the main expert. In the work of the latter there were no less rules and laws than the participants of the Championship themselves. Thus, the criteria for evaluating absolutely all participants on the day of the start of the competition become «inviolable» - no one and nothing can make at least the slightest change to them.

The experts themselves are distributed among the teams in such a way as to completely exclude the possibility of evaluation by the judge-compatriot. And even the points themselves and prizes are kept in the strictest confidence until the announcement of the results of the Qualifying Championship.

According to the rules of the competition, those whose names will be called at the closing ceremony will be sent to the national inter-university team, from where the best of the best will open the way to the international arena and the right to represent Russia at the international stage. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.04.2019
Номер новости для фото:  6

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