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WorldSkills Championship Closing Ceremony

The best representatives of young professionals gathered in the assembly hall of the Agrarian University. Students from different parts of the South of Russia competed in 5 competencies: agronomy, prototyping, entrepreneurship, electrical installation and hotel administration.
The rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev greeted the champions at the closing ceremony. He made a solemn speech in which he expressed pride in his students and their well-deserved triumph - students of the Agrarian High School took prizes in all nominations. Vladimir Ivanovich wished them success in future competitions and undertakings.
The guys also heard parting words from the special guests: the Minister of Economic Development of the Stavropol Territory Sergey Alexandrovich Krynin, the First Deputy Minister of Tourism and Health Resorts of the Stavropol Territory Yevgeny Yuryevich Stupnikov, the Head of the Department of Land Reclamation and Vegetable-Growing of the Ministry of Agriculture of Stavropol Territory Aleksey Petrovich Serikov, the President of the Union of CCI Stavropol Territory Boris Andreyevich Obolenets and the Head of Substation Service of the WEN «IDNC of the North Caucasus» - «Stavropolenergo» Roman Begalievich Kokshev.
The winners are:
«Hotel Administration» - Rimma Zubkova (Stavropol State Agrarian University)
«Agronomy» - Peter Aivazov (Stavropol State Agrarian University)
«Prototyping» - Andrey Trufanov (Stavropol State Agrarian University)
«Entrepreneurship» - Victoria Eremina and Timur Shaev (Stavropol State Agrarian University)
«Wiring» - Artem Volkov (Stavropol State Agrarian University)

Дата новости для фото:  19.04.2019
Номер новости для фото:  15

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