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Literary Marathon "Word of Victory"


Students and teachers of the Accounting and Financial Faculty and the department of foreign languages ​​and intercultural communication held a patriotic event dedicated to Victory Day.

The 74th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War is approaching; in connection with this, the 1st year students organized the event “The Word of Victory”. This was the name given to the literary marathon.

The goal of the marathon is to form a patriotic consciousness, cultivate a sense of pride and respect for the heroic past of our country and honor the memory of the heroes.

“Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!” - with these words the event was opened. Students read poems about brave people - heroes who bravely and faithfully defended our Fatherland. The guys touched upon the problem of the little heroes of the Great Patriotic War and the self-sacrifice of men and women who were not afraid to give their lives for the good of their people.

Three social videos about the life of veterans in our time were presented, one of which was shot by the guys themselves, where they told about great-grandparents and great-grandmothers who had gone to war, while still young men, but bravely fighting for their Motherland.

The event ended with a minute of silence and the performance of the song “Tenth Battalion” by student Polina Kork.

The first literary marathon at the University is an expression of the deepest gratitude to all the heroes who gave us life and a peaceful sky over our heads. 

Дата новости для фото:  22.04.2019
Номер новости для фото:  7

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