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The teacher of the Stavropol State Agrarian University successfully defended his doctoral dissertation


The dissertation council D 006.015.01 at the All-Russian Research Institute for Plant Protection held a thesis defense for the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences in the specialty 06.01.07 - Plant Protection of the Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Glazunova Natalia Nikolaevna.

The topic of the thesis is “Improvement of the forecast of the number of pests and optimization of the zonal system of protection of winter wheat in the Central Ciscaucasia”. During the debate, the relevance of the topic and its important scientific and practical importance were noted. An important result of the research was the development of a computer program that makes it possible to predict the number of pests of winter wheat at different stages of its ontogenesis, taking into account various exogenous influences in order to optimize the zonal system of crop protection in the Central Ante-Caucasus.

The dissertation council unanimously decided to award Natalia Nikolaevna Glazunova with a doctorate in agricultural sciences.

Congratulations to Natalya Nikolaevna on defending her dissertation and we wish you new successes in scientific research! 

Дата новости для фото:  24.04.2019
Номер новости для фото:  6

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