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XX International Student Conference "Accounting in the conditions of information development of the economy"


The event was organized by the department of "Accounting and Control in the AIC" of the Grodno State Agrarian University.

During the videoconference reports were made by:

Ekaterina Lelikova - 2nd year undergraduate student in the Master's program "Accounting, Analysis and Audit" with the theme "Assessment of the current status and improvement of accounting policies of agricultural organizations of the Stavropol Territory" (supervisor: Ph.D., associate professor of the Accounting Financial Accounting Department, Stavropol State Agrarian University Sytnik OE);

Kondrus Ulyana - 3rd year student of the specialty “Accounting, analysis and audit” with the theme “Fuel consumption rates in the accounting practice of the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine” (supervisor: senior lecturer of the department “Accounting and control in the agroindustrial complex” of the Grodno State Agricultural University Grudko S.V.);

Alla Savelieva - bachelor of 3 courses of the profile "Accounting, Analysis and Audit" with the theme "Accounting policy of the organization for accounting purposes, its importance and order of development" (supervisor: Ph.D., associate professor of the department "Accounting Financial Accounting" Stavropol State Agrarian University Kulish N.V.);

Vorobyeva Diana - 3rd year student of the specialty “Accounting, analysis and audit” with the theme “Directions for improving the accounting of settlements with debtors and creditors” (supervisor: senior lecturer of the department “Accounting and control in the agro-industrial complex” of Grodno State Agrarian University S. Grudko S. AT.);

Nizhenets Svetlana - bachelor of 3 courses of the profile “Accounting, Analysis and Audit” with the theme “Inventory as an element of the internal control system in an agricultural organization” (supervisor: Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department “Accounting Financial Accounting” of Stavropol State Agrarian University Kulish N.V.);

Zelmanchuk Vitaly - 2nd year student of the specialty “Accounting, analysis and audit” with the topic “Comparative characteristics of accounts for accounting for loans and borrowings in the post-Soviet countries” (supervisor: senior lecturer of the department “Accounting and control in the agroindustrial complex” of the Grodno State Agrarian University Osipchuk I.Yu.);

Malania Milena - Bachelor of 3 courses of the profile "Accounting, Analysis and Audit" with the theme "Stages of development of tax accounting in the Russian Federation" (supervisor: Ph.D., associate professor of the department "Accounting Financial Accounting" of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Kulish N .AT.);

Veronika Grushevskaya - 2nd year student of the specialty “Accounting, analysis and audit” with the theme “On the essence of costs, costs and cost” (supervisor: senior lecturer of the department “Accounting and control in the agroindustrial complex” of the Grodno State Agrarian University Yuzvik M .BUT.);

Zhirlitsina Ekaterina - bachelor of 3 courses of the profile “Accounting, Analysis and Audit” with the theme “Regulatory regulation of the order of formation of the annual financial statements of commercial organizations” (supervisor: Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department “Accounting Financial Accounting” of Stavropol State Agrarian University Germanova V.S.);

Maria Pashkevich - 2nd year student of the specialty “Accounting, analysis and audit” with the theme “Accounting and distribution of costs for the maintenance and operation of the machine-tractor park in the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Moldova (supervisor: senior lecturer of the department“ Accounting and control in the agro-industrial complex of the Grodno State Agrarian University Grudko S.V.);

Anastasia Goncharova - Bachelor of the 3rd year of the “Accounting, Analysis and Audit” profile with the theme “Disclosure of types of profits in the statement of financial results of commercial organizations” (supervisor: Ph.D., associate professor of the Accounting Financial Accounting Department of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Germanova V.S.).

The presentations of the speakers were devoted to current accounting issues and showed a high level of student training. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.04.2019
Номер новости для фото:  12

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