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International Workshop “Volunteer: Best Practices of Volunteering”


In the capital of the North Caucasus Federal District - Pyatigorsk, a seminar for volunteers was held. The workshop brought together participants from several countries, such as Mexico, Germany, Italy and others. Volunteers shared their experiences, talked about projects and developed new joint ideas for their further implementation in different countries.

Stavropol State Agrarian University was represented by the undergraduate of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, the head of the Volunteer team “Volunteer” Inna Kulieva and a student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, the activist of the volunteer team - Torbi Amtanios.

In addition to the meetings, the workshop program included excursions around the city — the resort, a gala concert and a leisure evening. Participants had the opportunity to communicate in an informal setting.

At the end of the workshop, all participants were awarded certificates of participation. 

Дата новости для фото:  29.04.2019
Номер новости для фото:  4

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