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"Lesson of courage" for students of the Department of Economics


On the eve of Victory Day, there was a meeting of students of the Department of Economics with a rear worker, labor veteran A.P. Molotkov, dedicated to the memory of the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

The traditional faculty “Courage Lesson”, devoted to the 74th anniversary of the Victory in the war over the fascist invaders, was held at the Department of Economics. All those present honored a minute of silence in memory of those who died in the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War.

The Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor O.N. Kusakina reminded all the people about the tragic events of wartime, the strength of the spirit and unity of the Soviet people in the struggle for life, freedom and sovereignty, the tireless workers of the rear who forged the weapons of war, about what an incredible price was achieved Great Victory! The sacred duty of all post-war generations is to preserve the memory of the heroic feat of our veterans.

A real gift for the audience was a conversation with the home front worker, labor veteran A.P. Molotkov. This year, Alexander Petrovich has been 94. He worked for more than 30 years at the Agricultural Institute at the Political Economy Department. From 1982 to 1987 he headed the department of the same name. Alexander Petrovich was awarded with a medal for his valiant work during the Great Patriotic War. He is an excellent student in agricultural production, an excellent student of higher education. He told about the years of battles from his own memories, what losses the war brought to our university and country, how the fate of our students and teachers changed wartime, and also appealed to the studentship to preserve and show patriotic feelings.

The Director of the University’s Scientific Library M. V. Obnovlnskaya told about the feat of Soviet prisoners of war who escaped from the Austrian death camp Mauthausen. During the entire existence of the camp, more than one hundred thousand prisoners died in it, all the prisoners were kept in inhuman conditions, subjected to torture, overwork, but despite this, the prisoners' will and zest for life could not be broken. A group of three hundred people managed to make a heroic escape, but many were killed. Now the territory of the former death camp is a memorial complex, which has monuments in various languages. In honor of the fearless war veterans and those who forged the Victory in the rear, during the whole event patriotic songs of the war years were played by Kamil Abdurazakova, a student of the 1st course in the Information Systems and Technologies direction, and Anastasia Tokarevskaya, 2nd-year student of the State and Municipal Administration major and members of the dance group "Impulse" presented a military waltz. 

Дата новости для фото:  06.05.2019
Номер новости для фото:  9

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