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Agrarian University took part in the Victory Parade

On May 9, the Great Victory Day, wartime songs sounded in the center of Stavropol, residents and guests of the city with flowers and balloons greeted the main characters - veterans of the Great Patriotic War. They turned the tide of history and gave life to all of us. On the main square of the region was a solemn parade. Students, teachers and employees of the Agrarian University paid tribute to the victims and honored the living. On the main square of Stavropol, the Victory Parade was met by veterans of the Great Patriotic War, Governor of the Stavropol Territory Vladimir Vladimirovich Vladimirov, mayor of the city Andrei Khasanovich Dzhatdoev, deputies of the city Duma, military, residents and guests of the regional capital. The Great Patriotic War affected all cities and villages of the Soviet Union, went into every house, left a mark on every family. In 1942-1943, Stavropol was occupied, during which time more than 32 thousand people died in the region. The memory of the dead was honored with a minute of silence. On the Great Victory Day, staff, teachers, graduate students and students of Stavropol State Agrarian University, headed by the Rector, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, walked in the fifty-thousandth column of the Stavropol Immortal Regiment from the main square of the regional center to the memorial "Fire of Eternal Glory" on Krepostnaya Hill.

Дата новости для фото:  09.05.2019
Номер новости для фото:  5

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