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Dear veterans and home front workers! Students, teachers, graduates! I want to congratulate you on the 74th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945


Dear veterans and home front workers! Students, teachers, graduates! I want to congratulate you on the 74th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945.

May 9 is a special day that is dear to all of us. Victory Day is a piece of the history in each family. It is the symbol of the valor of the defenders of the Fatherland, their strong faith, sacrifice, solidarity, courage and strength of the national spirit. Each year alienates us from the terrible events of the worst and bloodiest war in the history of mankind. But the feat of the people who defeated the fascists, who managed to preserve a peaceful and free country for future generations, is timeless!

Years and decades will pass, but the memory of the greatness of the feat of the Soviet people in the battle against fascism will live forever. The word "Victory" will forever live with a capital letter.

During the Great Patriotic War, the inhabitants of Stavropol made a huge contribution to the common cause of victory. On the battlefield, at the factory machines, in hospitals, research laboratories, field camps, partisan detachments, the front, the enemy was defeated. Our people not only won the Victory, but also managed to restore the destroyed country as soon as possible and bring it to the most advanced borders. It is a feat. The feat of those who went on the attack to meet the enemy without sparing himself, worked in the rear.

The victory over the fascist invaders has become a national holiday that unites all people regardless of their nationality, age or political convictions. Celebrating Victory Day, we remember the unshakable strength of spirit, courage and great sacrifices of our people, our Veterans, whose lives have a special meaning for all of us.

I want this historical memory to stay in the minds of the younger generation, giving patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland. I want students to have in their heart and mind the strength that our veterans possess. Recalling the solemn events of the great Victory, I wish all of you - veterans and the middle and young generation - strength of mind, health, and love for the Motherland. I wish we were as a united nation always able to overcome any enemy and overcome any challenges which our Fatherland meets.

Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Deputy of the Stavropol Territory Duma, Hero of Labor of the Stavropol Territory, Honorary Citizen of the Stavropol Territory

V.I. Trukhachev 

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