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Training of Agricultural joint-stock copany “Paduga” specialists under the professional training program “Machine Milking Operator”


In the agricultural joint-stock company “Raduga” of the Novoaleksandrovsky district of the Stavropol Territory, regular classes on the preparation and training of machine milking operators were held.

The program of advanced training and education, implemented in the farm together with the Institute of Additional Education of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, includes a variety of issues that are directly related to the performance of work functions on machine milking of dairy cows. of The Department of private animal science and animal breeding was represented by the group of teachers including Professor of the Department, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences S.A. Oleinik, Assistant Professors of the Department, Candidates of Agricultural Sciences V.E. Zakotin and A.A. Pokotilo. zootechnical and technological aspects that are necessary for the effective management of dairy herds and the production of high-quality animal products. The attention of the listeners was focused on the modern legal, zootechnical and technological aspects that are necessary for the effective management of the dairy herd and the production of high-quality animal products.

Since 1987, Vladimir Sergeyevich Surov, a graduate of Stavropol State Agrarian University, has been heading the multi-profile agricultural enterprise “Raduga”. Thanks to his efforts, the agricultural joint-stock company is one of the 300 most efficient agricultural holdings in Russia, where crop and livestock production is efficiently produced.

The dairy cattle breeding of the joint-stock enterprise is represented by a herd of black-and-white cattle with a productivity of over 5.5 thousand kg of milk per cow per year. About 4500 tons of milk are produced annually. The farm pays special attention to improving the skills of working professionals. The training group included 4 machine milking operators: Gushchina S.D., Dyakova A.N., Molokova T.V., Trifonova S.R. 

Дата новости для фото:  20.05.2019
Номер новости для фото:  7

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