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Implementation of the grant student project "Home for the Best Friend"


From April 1 to May 20, 2019, there was the implementation of the social project “Home for Best Friend” - the winner of the grant competition of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. The author of the project is the commander of the volunteer specialized student group “Zabota”, a student of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources - Olga Loskutova.

Throughout the time, the group activists did a great job. “Home for the best friend” is a project that simultaneously solves several problems of modern society. As part of the work, students taught pupils of a special (correctional) school how to use construction equipment, which will certainly be useful to them in later life. At the end of the project, students and schoolchildren presented the only shelter in the Stavropol Territory for animals “Best Friend” with new booths, which animals are in such dire need!

The project was carried out in a special (correctional) comprehensive school No. 33 of the city of Stavropol and consisted of several stages.

Students and schoolchildren made several dog kennels with their own hands, and solemnly handed them to the “Best Friend” shelter.

The results exceeded all expectations! The guys were involved in the process, each of them had a responsible approach to the instructions of the volunteers, they understood that they work for the sake of something really good! The students volunteered and made booths for dogs selflessly, conscientiously and with love. However, the young volunteers did not stop at that and helped to clean the territory of the animal shelter “Best Friend”, and also walked the dogs around the park.

It is known that communicating with animals helps the child to relieve stress, get rid of fears and complexes, learn responsibility and makes you understand what friendship is. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.05.2019
Номер новости для фото:  7

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