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Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the action "Night of Museums"


In 2019, the Museum of History of Stavropol State Agrarian University joined the “Museum Night” event, which took place from May 13 to 20. Museum Night is an international event timed to the International Museum Day, during which you can view museum expositions and take part in festive events. The main goal of the action is to show the resource, opportunities, potential of modern museums, to attract young people to museums.

University History Museum is no exception. Throughout the week, it hosted a whole range of events of various directions.

There were Blitz excursionы on the history of the university during the Great Patriotic War: “Veterans of the Great Patriotic War - university staff”, “Stavropol during the Nazi occupation”.

In addition to traditional expositions, a special program was prepared. Students were able to get acquainted with the temporary traveling exhibition "Money of Russia and the USSR: through the pages of history", prepared specifically for the "Night of Museums-2019".The event was organized within the framework of the strategic cooperation of the staff of the Department of Financial Management and Banking (the Head of the Department is Yu.M. Sklyarov) of the Accounting and Finance Faculty with the Southern Head Office of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) for the Stavropol Territory.

Last week was significant for former university students who do not forget their Alma Mater. The museum was visited by graduates who studied at the agronomical faculty of the Stavropol Agricultural Institute 45 years ago.

Although the “Night of Museums” was held in Stavropol State Agrarian University for the first time, about 800 people visited the museum of the history of the university during the action. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.05.2019
Номер новости для фото:  6

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