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University staff took part in the Spring Navigator of the National Technology Initiative


In the Boiling Point-Moscow, as part of the Spring Navigator, there was a presentation of the Islander's Way - navigation through the educational island “Island 10-22” for leaders in the field of education, and a platform was presented to ensure the inclusion and support of universities in the National Ecosystem technology initiative.

Scientists, entrepreneurs and artists have read popular science lectures for members of the Spring Navigator.

Spring Navigator was launched in Moscow's Boiling Point with a speech by Vasily Tretyakov, General Director of the University of 20.35. He presented to the participants an event that will be held this summer for the top 100 university teams - the educational intensive “Island 10-22”.

Island is a space where the university will be able to launch several interesting projects and find options for cooperation with development institutions. “We will balance the program, and you should think about what projects you would be interested in working on. There are no restrictions on the focus of the project, but the university, stating the project, must clarify on which links it is based, whether it will be possible to use the “Island” space to develop these links ”.

Members of the Stavropol State Agrarian University team who will take part in the educational intensive “Island 10-22” Batischeva Elena Alekseevna, Ph.D. . Associate Professor, Chairman of the Educational and Methodical Council of the university and Tunina Nelli Alexandrovna, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Head of the Unit of educational process organization and control. 

Дата новости для фото:  22.05.2019
Номер новости для фото:  15

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