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Representatives of the Stavropol GAU took part in the "Spring Navigator"


The staff of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Vice Rector for Research and Innovation, Ph.D., Professor Morozov V.Yu., and Head of the Management Department, Ph.D., Associate Professor Nazarenko A.V. took part in the work of the Spring Navigator “Boiling Points" in St. Petersburg.

"Spring Navigator" was organized for members of university teams of educational intensive "Island 10-22", to build communications with the University "20.35" and the STI ecosystem.

The “20.35” University presented the “Islander's Way” - navigation through educational intensives, ensuring the inclusion and support of universities in the ecosystem of the National Technology Initiative. The experts of the University “20.35” told about the possibilities of the diagnostic platform, individual educational trajectories, recommendatory services, educational intensives.

The NTI Competence Centers presented the events that they will hold on the “Island”, told about their activities, research, results and plans.

The team involved in the opening of university "Points" told representatives of universities about the new format of the teamwork space, and also advised how to open the "Boiling Point" on the basis of the university. 

Дата новости для фото:  24.05.2019
Номер новости для фото:  3

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