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Representatives of the Stavropol State Agrarian University attended the opening of the “Boiling Point” in Rostov-on-Don


Team members of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, selected for educational intensive “Island 10-22”, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Project Office Bobryshev A.N., Ph.D., Head of the Management Department Nazarenko A.V , Ph.D., Head of the Information Systems Department Shlaev D.М., Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Devederkin I.V., Ph.D., Assistant Sidelnikov D.A. took part in the Opening of the “Boiling Point” collective work space of the Don State Technical University and the Southern Federal University of Rostov-on-Don.

The “boiling point” is an open interface between universities and potential partners: their own graduates, technology entrepreneurs, state-owned companies, businesses, officials, and artists.

The opening of the boiling point included broadcasting from Moscow, greeting boiling points at the base of first-wave universities on behalf of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the NTI Platform and University at 20.35, live broadcasts from the TC and signing of agreements, as well as an extensive lecture program.

The opening was attended by: Peskov D.N., General Director of the autonomous non-profit organization “NTI Platform” and General Director of the autonomous non-profit organization “University 2035” Tretyakov V.S..

Representatives of Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the following events at the Boiling Point of Don State Technical University:

1. Visionary lecture “Technological trends and business of tomorrow” Ignatiev Kirill Borisovich (Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian Investments group of companies. Head of the Project “Technical progress and economy of the future”);

2. 2. Open lecture “AIC of the future. A look at agriculture through the prism of big data analysis ” Chulok Alexander Aleksandrovich (Ph.D., Associate Professor, Director of the Center for Scientific and Technological Forecasting, Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, National Research University of Higher School of Economics);

3. Open session of questions and answers “Cases, histories of AgroNTI implementation in Belgorod, projects of AgroNTI that “got successful” in the region” Teterin Konstantin Konstantinovich (leader of the “Boiling Point” in Belgorod, general director of the JSC “Development Corporation” Belgorod region).

In the “Boiling Point” of the Southern Federal University, representatives of the Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the following events:

1. Lecture “Digital Transformation: What Is It, Why and What Will We Come to?” Speaker: Vladimir Drogan, Founder and Co-Owner of Roonyx, Co-Owner and Director of “Tsiferblat”

2. Lecture – discussion “New technologies in training. The virtual reality. Gamification” Speaker: Alexander Guda, Ph.D., researcher at SFU, co-founder of the Virtual Reality studio “UniVirLab”

3. Discussion “Training for the digital economy of the region” Moderator: Sergey Andonov, Head of the Expert Group of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives in the Rostov Region

The team of the Stavropol State Agrarian University continues to work on the preparation for the educational intensive “Island 10-22”, which will be held in July 2019. 

Дата новости для фото:  24.05.2019
Номер новости для фото:  1

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