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The results of the participation of the country scientific youth in the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientists of higher institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federa


The All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, post-graduate students and young scientists of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia is held in order to attract a wider range of talented young people to research in the field of agricultural sciences, to revitalize the work of student scientific societies.

The competition is held under the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation together with the non-profit organization "Association of Educational Institutions of the Agro-Industrial Complex and Fisheries".

The competition is held in three stages: intra-university conferences, conferences in federal districts, All-Russian conferences. Participants protect their research papers in 16 categories.

This year, students and graduate students of our university took 10 prizes at the All-Russian level:

The 1st place in the nomination "Agrochemistry and Agrology" bachelor 3 years of study at the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources Shaykhova Karina, supervisor doctor of agricultural sciences, associate professor, professor of the department of soil science named after V.I. Tulipova Faizova Vera Ivanovna (the final at the Perm State Agrarian Technological University named after D.N.Pryanishnikov);

The1st place in the “Management” nomination: 1st year undergraduate student of the accounting and finance faculty Oksana Andrushchenko, scientific adviser doctor of economics, professor, head of the department of financial management and banking Sklyarova Yulia Mikhailovna (final at Stavropol State Agrarian University);

The 2nd place in the category "Veterinary Science" the 1st year student at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Elena Kastarnova, supervisor, doctor of veterinary sciences, professor, head of the department of therapy and pharmacology Vladimir Orobets (final at the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MBA named after K.I. Scriabin);

The 2nd place in the nomination "Economic Sciences" PhD student 2 years of study at the Faculty of Economics Alexander Isaenko, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Management Department Nazarenko Anton Vladimirovich (final at Stavropol State Agrarian University);

The 3rd place in the “Veterinary” nomination: 5th year student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Ekaterina Medvedeva, PhD in Veterinary Science, Associate Professor, Dean of Veterinary Medicine and Technological Management Faculties Skripkin Valentin Sergeevich (final at the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MBA named after K.I. Scriabin);

The3rd place in the nomination "Land Management and Cadastre" undergraduate 1 year of study at the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources Elena Bublik, PhD in agricultural sciences, associate professor, head of the department of land management and cadastre Loshakov Alexander Viktorovich (final at the State University of Land Management);

The 3rd place in the nomination "Economy" bachelor 4 years of study at the accounting and financial faculty Emrop Mesropyan, scientific advisor doctor of economics, professor, professor of the economic analysis and audit department Igor Sklyarov (final at Stavropol State Agrarian University);

The 3rd place in the nomination "Zootechny" bachelor of 2 years of study at the Faculty of Technological Management Gridasov Alexander, supervisor Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Private Zootechny, Breeding and Breeding of Animals Elena Epimahova (final at the Ural State Agrarian University)

The 3rd place in the nomination "Biological sciences" 3-year post-graduate student of the faculty of veterinary medicine Dmitry Chervyakov, supervisor, doctor of biological sciences, associate professor, head of the department of parasitology and VSE, anatomy and pathology named after professor S.N. Nikolsky Dilekova Olga Vladimirovna (final at the Orenburg State Agrarian University);

The 3rd place in the category "Agroengineering" undergraduate 1 year of study at the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Grabovenko Elizaveta, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Machinery and Technology Department of the Agroindustrial Complex Olga Ivanovna Detistova (final in Ryazan State Agrotechnological University named after P.A. Kostycheva)

Agricultural universities combine the same tasks. By competing with each other, we achieve perfection. It is on the persistence, diligence and creative exploration of young people that Russia's prosperity depends.

Congratulations to our young scientists! We wish you success in achieving your goals, bold ideas and their successful implementation! 

Дата новости для фото:  30.05.2019
Номер новости для фото:  13

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