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Works in the company "Khleborob" and "Kranoselskoe" on the topic of Research and Advanced Development (R & D)


Researchers and students of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources visited e LLC Khleborob of Petrovsky District and LLC Kranoselskoye of the Grachevsky District to take samples, observations and surveys on the R & D theme “Development of scientifically based recommendations to improve the agrotechnical efficiency of the cultivation of crops in terms of direct seeding technology. ”

In the conditions of LLC Krasnoselskoye of Grachevsky district, no-till technology has been cultivated by crops since 2008.

Observations, counts, sampling and analyzes on the fixed fields are carried out according to generally accepted methods in the main phases of crop development. The subject of research is the study of direct sowing technology for biological, physico-chemical, agrophysical indicators of the fertility of ordinary chernozem and the yield of winter wheat, sunflower, corn and winter rape.

The farm LLC Khleborob of Petrovsky district is part of the Energomera agricultural holding and is engaged in growing main crops using the technology of direct sowing.

The main agricultural crops in the farm are winter wheat, sunflower, peas, corn for silage and grain, and the subject of study is the study of the influence of direct sowing technology on soil fertility factors and the yield of winter wheat cultivated by various predecessors, as well as the productivity of peas for grain, maize silage and sunflower. 

Дата новости для фото:  30.05.2019
Номер новости для фото:  12

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