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State Registration Certificate of computer program was received


The department of production and processing of food from vegetable raw materials received a state registration certificate of the computer program "Management of the plant products quality" (Manual for the direction of 19.04.02 Food from vegetable raw materials).

The academic discipline "Management of quality plant products" is an optional discipline for undergraduates in the training direction of 19.04.02 Food from plant materials corresponding to the training profile of the academic master "Technology of alcoholic, low-alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages."

The manual is intended for the organization of academic work in the discipline, where it is represented by the work program of the discipline "Management of plant products", materials for practical exercises, materials for organizing independent work, a list of references.

The purpose of mastering the discipline "Management of plant products quality" is the formation of masters in-depth professional knowledge about the formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the examination of plant products, on problems of classification and identification, preservation of product quality at all stages of the distribution; optimization of the conditions of its transportation, storage and sale.

Realization of the goal of the discipline means the ability to use deep specialized professional theoretical and practical knowledge to conduct research, based on modeling biocatalytic, chemical, biochemical, physico-chemical, microbiological, biotechnological, heat and mass transfer, rheological processes occurring in the production of food from vegetable raw materials.

The task of the discipline is the acquisition by students of the ability to own the fundamental sections of technology and technology for the production of food from vegetable raw materials necessary to solve research and development problems in the industry.

The program is based on the following provisions recorded in modern documents on the modernization of higher education:

- to collect, compile, process and analyze information on the creation of new food products from vegetable raw materials;

- use chemical, physico-chemical and physical methods of measurement in the production of food from vegetable raw materials;

- compile a description of the research and analyze the results of research.

The advantage of this textbook is the focus on the development of practical skills for conducting modern scientific research of raw materials and plant products. 

Дата новости для фото:  30.05.2019
Номер новости для фото:  6

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