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Practice-oriented approach in the training of banking professionals using the capabilities of the Laboratory of Banking Technologies and Analytics of Rosselkhozbank


The operation of the Laboratory of Banking Technologies and Analytics of JSC “Rosselkhozbank” is aimed at implementing the mission of the university - the training of highly qualified specialists, competitive in the labor market.

The Department of Financial Management and Banking held an open defense of the reports of pre-diploma practice with the participation of Natalya Aleksandrovna Schedrina, Head of the Small and Medium Business Client Relations Department of the Stavropol Regional Branch of the Agricultural Bank.

The formation of the future specialist enters the final stage with the completion of the pre-diploma practice. Its characteristic feature is the possibility of obtaining a full-fledged professional experience that will be difficult to overestimate when applying for a first job. Pre-diploma practice becomes a kind of trial period for a future specialist. Therefore, it is not surprising that students strive to demonstrate their business skills during the pre-diploma practice from the best side.

During the pre-diploma internship, students collected information to write a graduation project, as well as perform a number of tasks received with a referral to practice. The result of all this activity was the report on the pre-diploma practice. All students made their reports and defended themselves at the proper level. Report materials required by students when writing a thesis. Students treated with great attention to the design of the practice diary and other reporting documents.

Reports have been carefully prepared. During the reports, students and trainees demonstrated a high level of competence. Reports began with the formulation of the work purpose. Then listed the main tasks set by the head. Each speaker briefed on the state of the problem at present, substantiated the relevance of the work, followed by the main part of the report, which presented the main results. The speakers gave the listeners a clear idea of ​​what was done by him personally, and what was obtained from secondary sources of information. At the end of the report, the main tasks solved were listed. 

Дата новости для фото:  31.05.2019
Номер новости для фото:  10

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