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The participation of scientists from the Stavropol State Agrarian University in the exhibition “VIV Russia” in Moscow


In the exhibition center "Crocus City" (Moscow) the traditional exhibition "Meat industry. Chicken King / VIV Russia” is a world-class industry platform for demonstrating the most advanced developments for the production of high-quality animal and poultry products based on innovative technologies.

The exhibition was attended by 800 delegates. 11 business events were held with 30 speakers, the main among which was the Summit «Agrarian Policy of Russia. Present and Future». Within the framework of the exhibition, Professor Epimakhova E.E., as a technological reviewer, participated in the negotiations of the director of LLC Agrokormservis Plus, Vran A.V. with the companies DOMINANT CZ, CUDDY FARMS, PANDA HAWA, EGMART LLC on the maintenance and reproduction of high-yielding chickens and turkeys in the production environment of the enterprise.

In addition, a constructive meeting with the Acting Director of the Federal Research Center "VNITIP" of the RAS Efimov D.I. and deputy Director of Research Egorova TA on carrying out large-scale production tests of the final hybrid of the new domestic cross of meat hens "Smena" with the participation of Agrokormservis Plus LLC and the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Дата новости для фото:  31.05.2019
Номер новости для фото:  4

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