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The university hosted an event to counter terrorism


At the faculty of secondary vocational education for students of the first courses an event was held to counter terrorism “We are against terrorism!”, Organized by a team of the Department of Philosophy and History.

E. V. Tufanov, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History, spoke to the audience: “Extremism is a human activity, far from the generally accepted norms, adherence to strict forms of conflict resolution. The fight against international extremism primarily involves working with young people as the most vulnerable category of citizens. Prevention of extremism should not be chaotic or spontaneous. At the moment, there is a growing threat of recruiting young men and women by terrorist organizations, and after all, the main goal of the students is to study. ” He convincingly asked not to make suspicious acquaintances, to lead a correct and healthy lifestyle.

For students was prepared to view a social video clip against terrorism “Recruitment. Carefully ZOMBIES ”, after viewing which the student discussion was organized. Students noted: it is important to remember that terrorism can be overcome only together. Only the efforts of all citizens of the country will prevent the spread of terrorism and extremism, will deprive the criminals of hope for support in Russian society. All sensible people in Russia and abroad should rally their ranks against the terrorist threat, do everything to save the planet from this plague of the 21st century. 

Дата новости для фото:  31.05.2019
Номер новости для фото:  6

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