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The results of the III International Student Colloquium on Accounting, Business Analysis, Financial Control and Audit named after Ya.V. Sokolov


St. Petersburg State University of Economics and the Institute of Professional Accountants and Auditors of Russia summed up the III International Student Colloquium on Accounting, Business Analysis, Financial Control and Audit named after Ya.V. Sokolov.

Subject areas of the Colloquium: “History of Accounting, Business Analysis, Financial Control and Audit”; “Accounting, Business Analysis, Financial Control, and Audit in the era of digital global industry 4.0”.

According to the decision of the jury among the winners are students of the Accounting and Finance Faculty of Stavropol State Agrarian University are:

In the nomination essay on the History of Accounting:

Diploma of the III degree - Alla Savelyeva, the topic “Stages of development of accounting” (supervisor - Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Accounting Germanova V.S.);

In the nomination essay on Financial Control, and Audit in the era of digital global industry 4.0.

Diploma of the III degree - Ekaterina Zhirlitsina, subject “Accounting (financial) reporting: problems of revealing information distortion” (supervisor - Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Accounting Germanova V.S). 

Дата новости для фото:  03.06.2019
Номер новости для фото:  7

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