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25th International Conference in Jelgava Research for rural development 2019


Head of the Department of Soil Science named after Prof. V.I. Tulpanov, Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor Valery Sergeevich Tskhovrebov took part in the 25th International Scientific Conference Research for Rural Development 2019 “Research in the field of rural development 2019” in Jelgava. They were presented with a report on the topic: “Rock Chernozem microbiological indicators of leached”.

The 25th International Conference for Research for Rural Development 2019 was held in Jelgava (Latvia). Head of the Department of Soil Science named after Prof. V.I. Tulpanov Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor Valery Sergeevich Tskhovrebov took part in the work of the conference. He presented a report in English on the topic: “Rock use technology for improvement microbiological indicators of leached Chernozem”.

The report highlighted the impact of the introduction of rocks rich in chemical composition (shell limestone, apatite and phosphogypsum), both individually and jointly, on the microbial phase of the soil. As a result of the research, it was found that the number of microorganisms changed in all variants of the experiment compared with the control. The introduction of limestone, apatite and phosphogypsum has a certain effect on the increase in the number of soil microbiota of various physiological groups. Among the fungal microflora, as a result of the remineralization of leached chernozem, the number of pathogens and toxin formers decreases and the number of pathogen antagonists increases. The abundance of micromycetes according to the Shannon index is considered to be poor under control (0.94) and rich when jointly making rocks (2.03–2.11).

The conference was attended by scientists from different countries: Russia, Poland, Kazakhstan, Romania, France, and Germany. In the direction of Agricultural Sciences 22 people spoke.

The working sections of the participants were held in the following interdisciplinary areas:

Agricultural sciences (crop, livestock);

· Agro technology;

· Rural engineering;

· Environmental engineering and landscape architecture;

· Water management;

· Veterinary medicine;

· Science of Food;

· Forestry and woodworking;

· Economy (agrarian economy, regional development, land use planning);

· Information and communication technologies;

· Education.

The purpose of the conference was to discuss the important current problems facing the development of agricultural areas.

The conference provides an excellent opportunity to exchange information and discuss future trends between experienced and new researchers

Дата новости для фото:  04.06.2019
Номер новости для фото:  3

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