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Employees of the Agrarian University took part in the expanded government committee of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory on budget, taxes and financial and credit policy


The Duma Committee on Budget, Taxes and Financial and Credit Policy of the Stavropol Territory held a round table meeting on the issue “Financial literacy for citizens as a factor in reducing the risks of financial fraud in the financial services market”.

Representatives of the Ministry of Finance of the Stavropol Territory, the banking sector, law enforcement agencies, administrations of the municipal districts of the Stavropol Territory, public organizations and higher educational institutions of the region attended the meeting, which was chaired by the committee chairman Yury Bely. The participants of the event touched upon topical issues of raising the level of citizens' knowledge in the field of finance, personal savings and ways to manage them.

Stavropol State Agrarian University at this meeting was represented by the Head of the Department of Financial Management and Banking, Doctor of Economic sciences, Professor Yulia Sklyarova and Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management and Banking, Candidater of Economic sciences Elena Lapina.

When financial products and services become more and more and they themselves are more and more difficult, it can be difficult to understand them. In order to allow people to more freely navigate the world of finance and choose the services they need, the Agrarian University, as a regional center for the development of youth volunteer programs for financial education, along with the main educational and scientific activities, is actively working to improve the financial literacy of the population of the Stavropol Territory.

Among the main areas of work, we should highlight the University’s participation in the federal project “Promoting financial literacy of the population and developing financial education in the Russian Federation” and the regional program “Improving the financial literacy of the population of the Stavropol Territory and developing financial education in the Stavropol Territory”, participating in educational activities Central Bank of the Russian Federation, joint projects with business partners of the university, pilot projects with Sberbank of Russia “Financial literacy in universities and schools ”,“ Electronic Village ”. Since 2015, Agrarian University has become an interactive large-scale platform for the All-Russian Savings Week and the All-Russian Financial Literacy Week for Children and Youth.

Separate attention should be paid to the experience of the creation and work of the student volunteer unit Financier. The main activity of the detachment is to increase the financial literacy of young people in schools, orphanages, Sousse and universities of the Stavropol Territory through thematic classes, business games, trainings, master classes, quests and financial tournaments, as well as consulting assistance to young people in the field of financial education.

The experience presented by the staff of the accounting and financial department interested the participants of the round table and was accepted for dissemination in the territory of the region.

Based on the results of the round table, taking into account the information received, recommendations were given to the ministries of the Stavropol Territory, educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, general education organizations, multifunctional centers providing state and municipal services, local governments of municipalities of the Stavropol Territory to continue active work and cooperation aimed at improving the level of financial knowledge of citizens, to prevent financial fraud and protecting the rights of consumers of financial services. 

Дата новости для фото:  10.06.2019
Номер новости для фото:  2

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