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Regional Workshop meeting on technology


A regional seminar meeting (Field Day) on crop cultivation technologies was held on the basis of the Stavropol State Sorting Testing Station (Kugulta village). Representatives of Stavropol State Agrarian University took an active part in it.

The event was attended by heads and specialists of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Territory, heads of agricultural services of municipal administrations (urban districts), heads and chief agronomists of agricultural enterprises, heads of peasant farms, representatives of suppliers of plant protection products and mineral fertilizers, representatives of agricultural centers of the South of Russia, as well as employees our university, headed by the dean of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources Alexander Esaulko.

The seminar was opened by Vladimir Sitnikov, Minister of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory. Further, with their reports made:

• “On the results of state testing of varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops” Head of the Federal State Budgetary Institution State Committee on the Stavropol Territory Batagova Elena.

• “The main areas of grain crop breeding at the North-Caucasian Scientific Agrarian Center Federal State Budgetary Institution were presented by the head of the department of plant breeding and primary seed production of winter crops by doctor of agricultural sciences Kovtun Viktor.

• “The head of the laboratory of breeding and seed production of winter wheat of intensive type” reported on the directions of winter wheat breeding at the FSUE “A Donskoy” candidate of agricultural sciences Violin Olga.

In conclusion of the theoretical part of the seminar on weather forecasting, the head of the Stavropol Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of the North Caucasian Kravchenko Nelli reported on the beginning of the harvesting season.

Then the seminar participants moved to the demonstration sites. In the practical part of this event, production testing of zoned and new varieties of grain crops, as well as competitive testing of leguminous crops was presented. Demonstration experiments were examined with the use of plant protection products of leading companies with a presentation. The seminar program was completed by summarizing and examining the exhibition presented by agricultural enterprises and agrofirms of the Stavropol Territory.

Our university and the Stavropol State Variety Testing Station are connected by fruitful cooperation. On the basis of the experimental station of the SSAU, joint research is being carried out within the framework of the variety testing of grain crops of various breeding and optimization of the mineral nutrition of these crops in the conditions of an unstable wetting zone. 

Дата новости для фото:  10.06.2019
Номер новости для фото:  6

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