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The role of financial education volunteers discussed at the V All-Russian Congress


The 5th All-Russian Congress of Financial Education Volunteers, organized by the Bank of Russia and the Financial Literacy Development Association, was held in Odintsovo near Moscow.

More than 500 financial education volunteers from 60 regions of Russia took part in the Congress. The experience of the Stavropol Territory was presented by the Head of the Department of Financial Management and Banking, Doctor of Economics, Professor Yulia Mikhailovna Sklyarova and Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management and Banking, Candidate of economic sciences Elena Nikolaevna Lapina.

Welcoming the participants, Bank of Russia Chairman Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina noted that the volunteer movement is expanding, and now volunteers are participating in virtually all projects of the regulator to improve financial literacy, including those implemented by territorial divisions of the Bank of Russia. The Chairman of the Bank of Russia dwelt separately on the work of volunteers who identify dishonest practices in the financial market, as well as organizations that illegally provide financial services.

During the plenary meeting, the role of financial education volunteers in their reports was noted by Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Sergey Vladimirovich Kuzmin, Head of the Consumer Rights Protection and Accessibility Service of the Bank of Russia Mikhail Valerievich Mamuta, Chairman of the Expert Council on Financial Literacy at the Bank of Russia Anatoly Gavrilenko G., Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs Alexander Bugayev, Chairman of the Council of the Association nterskih centers Artem Pavlovich blizzards, director of the financial literacy of Association Andrey Paranich and many others.

During the congress, discussions were held on various aspects of the work of volunteers. The meeting of volunteers from all regions of Russia is aimed, first of all, at the exchange of experience, both directly of volunteer work and interaction with authorities, volunteer centers, special institutions of social protection and the Ministry of Education.

A significant part of the work site was devoted to their interaction with vulnerable categories of the population - people with disabilities and people with disabilities, orphans and children left without parental care. Participants discussed the idea of ​​mentoring as a method of working with children raised in orphanages, as well as ways to adapt educational materials for people with physical and mental disabilities, including through gaming and interactive elements.

Of particular interest to the congress participants was the discussion of gamification, as a modern way of conveying information on financial literacy. A variety of interactive tools - from board games to online quests and mobile applications - allows you to reach all target audiences. Games on financial literacy lessons for children and adolescents are especially popular: schoolchildren solve business cases, model situations of interaction with various financial organizations, and get acquainted with financial products and services. Such a format develops creative and entrepreneurial thinking in children, helps to assimilate knowledge in practice. Participants of the congress were able to test the most interesting games right at the event.

A large number of participants gathered a discussion on the volunteer motivation system. For some projects, financial education is a step towards the future career of a teacher, for others, good communication and public speaking skills, an opportunity to meet interesting people and establish business contacts. However, most of the volunteers said that the lessons help them to reveal their personal qualities and satisfy the need for helping other people.

Currently, about a thousand volunteers are trained under a program specially developed by the Bank of Russia, which includes 11 thematic modules: banking products, payment cards, microfinance, insurance, and others. Already in the near future it is planned to expand the program through modules focused on small and medium-sized businesses, and countering unfair practices. In addition, the program will be adjusted based on the views of students themselves, as well as new directions for the development of financial technologies.

During the congress, a presentation was held of the newly created Association for the Development of Financial Literacy. The Bank of Russia joined the Association as one of the founders along with self-regulating organizations, associations and market participants themselves. The association will become the main institution coordinating volunteer activities, and will gradually take over the training functions and motivational programs for volunteers.

At the closing ceremony of the Congress, representatives of the best practices were awarded diplomas for their active participation in the organization of volunteer activities in the field of financial education of the Russian population. 

Дата новости для фото:  13.06.2019
Номер новости для фото:  4

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