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Presentation of State Prize of the Russian Federation


On the Day of Russia in the St. George Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace, Vladimir Putin traditionally presented the State Prizes of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements in the field of science and technology, literature and art and humanitarian activities for 2018.

At the invitation of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev was invited to the award ceremony.

The state prize in the field of science and technology in 2018 was awarded to Valery Mitrofanov, Vladislav Pustovoit, Efim Khazanov for creating the fundamentals and instrumental solutions to the problems of registration of gravitational waves; Vladimir Porkhanov, Vladimir Parshin, Vladimir Kharchenko - for the scientific substantiation and introduction into clinical practice of a new concept of reducing morbidity and mortality in patients with stenotic diseases of the trachea; Vitaly Naumkin - for his outstanding contribution to Oriental studies (Arabic and Islamic studies).

The State Prize in the field of literature and art in 2018 was awarded to Pavel Basinsky for his contribution to the development of domestic literature; Nikolay Lugansky for his contribution to the development of national and world musical culture; Yelena Shatkovskaya for her contribution to the preservation of the historical, cultural and natural heritage of Russia.

The state prize for outstanding achievements in the field of humanitarian activities in 2018 was awarded to Rodion Shchedrin.

Vladimir Putin:

Dear laureates! Dear friends!

I cordially congratulate you, all citizens of our country on the holiday with the Day of Russia.

We with the warmest feelings always think about the Fatherland, about what it means for each of us, for the entire multinational people of Russia; We value its thousand-year history, great culture and grand achievements, unique natural wealth, the beauty of its vast expanses, the diversity and originality of the regions. All this unites our understanding of our homeland.

Motherland is inseparable from us, citizens of Russia, from our responsibility for its present and future, from our desire to contribute to its development and prosperity. Solving such large-scale tasks that the country is facing today can only be done together, when everyone realizes the importance of his personal efforts for the common good and does everything possible for him. Such involvement in the fate of the Motherland, devotion to his vocation, the ability to tirelessly go forward to the heights of the profession distinguishes today's laureates of the State Prize. 

Дата новости для фото:  13.06.2019
Номер новости для фото:  2

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