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Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the Congress of the International Committee for Animal registration (ICAR)


The Russian delegation, composed of representatives of NPOs, the Association of Holstein cattle breeders (Moscow), JSC "Agroprom" (Moscow), OOO RTS "of Elinor" (St. Petersburg) and Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the 43rd ICAR Congress, which was held in Prague, Czech Republic.

The program of participation of the Russian delegation, made up of the Executive Director of NPO Association of breeders of Holstein cattle, O. Smirnova, General Director of JSC "Agroprom" K. Kosturova, Professor of the Stavropol State Agrarian University , S. A. Oleinik, animal husbandry, OOO RTS "of Pliner" Logacheva, provided consultation and exchange of views with the President of the ICAR Jey Mattison, Executive Director of ICAR Martin Burke, a representative of the international assessment services bulls Interbull, Dr. Reinhard Reents, leading specialist of ICAR in the accounting methods of lactation in cows Juho Kyntaja. Also, outside the official framework, consultations were held with representatives of national ICAR bodies in the UK, Germany, Ireland, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and other countries.

The practical result of participation in the ICAR Congress was the formation of a stable opinion among the representatives of the Russian delegation on the feasibility of implementing the ICAR methodology at milk production enterprises in the Russian Federation. The next practical step is the development and adaptation of norms and rules of ICAR in dairy cattle breeding of the Russian Federation in the framework of complex scientific-technical projects in the framework of the subprogram "Improving the genetic potential of cattle specialized dairy breeds" Federal scientific-technical program the development of agriculture of the Russian Federation to 2018– 2025, which is planned for implementation in cooperation with Industrial partners – NGOs, the Association of manufacturers of Holstein cattle and the JSC "Agroprom".

ICAR is an international non-governmental organization that forms and provides a global information database on animal husbandry in different countries, to share experiences, communicate new knowledge with other members and stakeholders around the world. Cooperation within the framework of ICAR allows participating countries to create more sustainable and efficient livestock, and the recognition of the technological level of development of national livestock within the ICAR is confirmed by the issuance of certificates allowing to become a participant in the international trade in genetic resources of livestock, technological devices and equipment. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.06.2019
Номер новости для фото:  3

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