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"World Agrarian Markets" – Master’s degree progfam of MGIMO and the Ministry of Agriculture


MGIMO continues to recruit for the master's program “World Agrarian Markets”, which is implemented on the basis of the Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia “International Agrarian Markets and Foreign Economic Activity in the Agro-Industrial Complex”.

Partners of the program are the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A Timiryazev and Kuban State Agrarian University.

Nowadays, the master's program has no analogues in the market of educational services. It is focused on the formation of a personnel resource of world-class specialists who are able to provide effective management in the agro-industrial complex and represent the interests of Russia in the world markets for agricultural products.

The goal of the program is to form a complex of students' knowledge, providing professional skills in the field of international trade in agricultural markets, to teach the practical application of modern management tools to effectively solve the complex tasks of agricultural business, as well as increase the competitiveness of domestic products abroad and reduce costs for entering new markets and expanding types of export products.

During the period of study undergraduates pass through several stages of educational and industrial practice in partner organizations and departments. The program includes on-site training modules that will be held in partner universities.

Main disciplines of the program: Basics of agriculture; World markets for agricultural products; Foreign economic activity and international transport operations; State regulation of agribusiness; Operational and strategic management in the agricultural business; IT in agricultural business; Economics of an agricultural enterprise; World Commodity Exchanges in Agricultural Commerce, Project Management; Innovative technologies in agronomy, production and mechanization; Phytosanitary and veterinary control; International and national statistics in the agrarian sector; Marketing of agricultural markets; Financial and operational risk management in agriculture; Legal aspects of the international agrarian market; Foreign language (professional), etc.

The program is full-time, the term of study is 2 years. The cost of the program for the entire period of study is 760,000 rubles. Classes are held twice a week in the evening on weekdays and a school day on Saturday, which allows you to combine training with work.

Enrollment for the master's program “World Agricultural Markets” is held from June 17 to July 20, July 23 - entrance examinations in a foreign language (testing) and an interview in the specialty “Management”.

Additional information about the program can be obtained at the MGIMO School of Business and International Competencies: Alina Fedotova, tel .: +7 968 006 08 31; e-mail: a.fedotova@inno.mgimo.ru For media applications: MGIMO press secretary Victoria Kalashnikova, tel: +7 915 301 91 88; e-mail: kalashnikova.v.v@my.mgimo.ru

Detailed information about the program, conditions of recruitment and admission on the website agro.mgimo.ru.

Дата новости для фото:  25.06.2019
Номер новости для фото:  1

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