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Exra-mural class of students of the supplementary retraining program "Attache on Agriculture".


The students of the additional program of professional retraining "Attache on Agriculture", undergoing training at the base of Stavropol State Agrarian University, had another extra-mural lesson. The future attaches visited the agricultural production collective farm “Rodina”, which is located in the village of Dmitrievsky, Krasnogvardeysky district of the region.The farm for many years included in the list of 300 best agricultural enterprises of the country, awarded many awards. The main activity - beef cattle. "Rodina" collective farm is known in almost all regions of Russia as the leading breeding farm for growing Hereford breed of cattle. Acquaintance with the features of beef cattle breeding is a distinctive feature of the field activity. Extra-mural activity on the collective farm "Rodina" began in the steppe, at the entrance to the village of Dmitrievsky. The main zootechnician Dmitry Yarovoy met listeners with modern technologies of pasture keeping of animals, introduced them to the production of breeding products.Then the audience had a meeting with the head of the agricultural enterprise Lidia Georgievna Dushka. She is one of the few chairmen of agricultural production cooperatives in modern Russia. Lidia Georgievna heads the "Rodina" collective farm for about ten years. The head of the farm told the audience about the features of modern agrarian production. Presented to the audience the main areas of activity of the enterprise, financial and economic indicators, areas of sales of agricultural products, the requirements for products that are exported, spoke about the programs of state support for agricultural production.The chief agronomist of the economy, Alexander Umarov, presented to the audience the collective farm “Rodina” as a farm of high culture of agriculture. This title agricultural enterprise is more than 10 years. He noted that the agricultural production cooperative has developed its own technology of cultivation of agricultural crops. Since 2003, the collective farm “Rodina” refused to plow the land and began to use surface tillage, which reduced fuel costs and retained moisture in the surface layer of the soil. He also stressed that the irrigation system created in the farm brings a significant increase in crop production.Then the main livestock specialist, Dmitry Yarovoy, held a practical seminar. The topic of the lesson is the peculiarities of breeding and keeping beef cattle in the collective farm “Rodina”. The listeners were presented the technology of stall maintenance of pedigree cattle (fattening and rearing). Scientific and pedagogical workers of Stavropol State Agrarian University - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Department of Private Animal Science, Breeding and Breeding of Animals Sergey Oleinik, Professor of the Department Entrepreneurship and the World Economy Tatiana Kostyuchenko took part in the classes.The working day ended with a trip to the federal state budgetary institution “Interregional Veterinary Laboratory”. The main activities of the regional laboratory were presented by the head of the enterprise Vyacheslav Marchenko. In the framework of the practical lesson “Laboratory Phytopathological and Entomological Examination of Quarantine Products”, Head of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Anna Shutko and laboratory specialists introduced students to laboratory equipment for research. 

Дата новости для фото:  12.07.2019
Номер новости для фото:  13

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