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The third educational day in the framework of the professional retraining program of the Attache in Agriculture of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.


The students of the additional program of professional retraining “Attache on Agriculture”, who study at the base of Stavropol State Agrarian University, ended another busy day. For academic work with future attaches, the university selected the best scientific and pedagogical workers, attracted specialists from other educational institutions.Head of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Anna Shutko read lecture on the topic "Phytosanitary legislation of the Russian Federation." Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and World Economy Tatiana Kostyuchenko conducted a four-hour practical work with students. The topic of the lesson is the economics of agricultural enterprises. Head of the Department of Economic Security, Statistics and Econometrics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Alexey Gerasimov spoke about the features of international and national statistics in the agricultural sector.The working day of the students ended with a field lesson at one of the best enterprises of the food industry of the Stavropol Territory - JSC Stavropol Dairy Plant. The head of the basic department of the technology of milk and dairy products of the Institute of Living Systems of the North Caucasus Federal University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Ivan Evdokimov introduced students to the organization of high-tech production of lactose.Leading experts of the dairy plant illustrated the story of the scientist. They showed the audience how, in practice, the production of this valuable substance with a high degree of purification is established in one of the workshops of the enterprises. At the moment, Stavropolsky dairy plant has already established the production of lactose for food purposes. The next stage, scheduled for the autumn of 2019, is the launch of the production of this substance with a high degree of purity for use in the pharmaceutical industry. The fully automated food and pharmacopoeial lactose workshop with a capacity of 5 tons of finished dry product per shift, equipped with high-performance modern equipment from leading European companies, is currently the only high-purity lactose production in Russia. 

Дата новости для фото:  11.07.2019
Номер новости для фото:  2

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