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In the Stavropol State Agrarian University the educational modules on agriculture have been launched by students of the MSIIR of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.


The country's first program of professional retraining “Attache in Agriculture” was developed in accordance with the cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and MSIIR, signed in December 2018 by the Minister of Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev and Rector Anatoly Torkunov. The program is focused on training specialists who will represent the interests of our country in the global markets for agricultural products.Stavropol State Agrarian University participates in the implementation of the program under the network agreement with MGIMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.During the week, 30 students will be trained in the Stavropol State Agrarian University on four educational modules, revealing the features of agricultural production. Scientific and pedagogical staff of the university and leading practitioners will tell students about the specifics of the main branches of agricultural production, processing of agricultural products, features of international and national statistics in the agricultural sector, the basics of phytosanitary control of ecosystems and plant products, and agricultural economy.Listeners expect and exit classes. They will visit the leading agricultural enterprises of the Stavropol Territory - the agricultural collective farm “Russia” (Novoaleksandrovsky urban district), the agricultural collective farm “Rodina”, (Krasnogvardeisky district). It is planned to visit the enterprises of the processing industry, in particular JSC Stavropol Dairy Plant, and the Stavropol Interregional Veterinary Laboratory.The first classes were held in the following directions: “The main sectors of agricultural production and processing of agricultural products” and “Agricultural Economics”.“The Russian agro-industrial complex faces the task of significantly increasing export volumes and entering new sales markets. In this regard, professional training of relevant specialists is of particular importance - including with knowledge of rare foreign languages who will be engaged in the promotion of Russian agricultural products in the world. To this end, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, together with MSIIR, created a specialized basic department “International agricultural markets and foreign economic activity in the agro-industrial complex”. I am convinced that its graduates will be in demand both in state structures and in business, will be able to represent Russia’s interests abroad adequately and competently, and will contribute to the development of the agro-industrial complex of our country, ”said Dmitry Nikolayevich Patrushev.On the first day of class, students met with interesting speakers, including

• Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev

• First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory Nikolai Timofeevich Velikdan

• First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Stavropol Region Sergey Alexandrovich Izmalkov.

Дата новости для фото:  08.07.2019
Номер новости для фото:  4

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