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In SKOLKOVO Institute of science and technology we completed the intensive "Island 10-22»


The team of Stavropol SAU came back with good results. For 12 days, teams from 100 universities of the country intensively communicated, studied the transformation of universities, adopted experience and introduced new modern technologies. Agricultural higher education institutions were represented by only 4 teams, including our University.

The task of the intensive is the creation and development of teams that implement systemic changes in education and provide a technological breakthrough.

The team of Stavropol State Agrarian University returned with good results.

As special guests "Island 10-22" visited:

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Maxim Akimov,

Minister of science and higher education of the Russian Federation Mikhail Kotyukov,

Minister of economic development of the Russian Federation Maxim Oreshkin,

Minister of digital development, communications and mass communications of the Russian Federation Konstantin Noskov,

Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia German Gref,

Chairman of the Board of JSC "RUSNANO" Anatoly Chubais,

Plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal district Igor Shchegolev,

as well as more than 20 heads of regions, heads of top 100 universities, scientific associations and companies.

At the closing ceremony of the "Island", representatives of 100 participating universities signed a document with the leadership of the University "20.35" on the launch of a unified program of training in artificial intelligence technologies on their sites. The network project, which will be able to participate students, teachers, managers and scientists, will start in September.

The University "20.35" in the framework of the agreement is a supplier of courses and digital content for universities. In addition to the launch of additional educational programs in the direction of artificial intelligence for students in schools start courses designed for management, scientists and teachers.

Additional training programs related to artificial intelligence technologies will be available not only to students of specialized specialties, but also to students whose profession, at first glance, is not related to this area. 

Дата новости для фото:  24.07.2019
Номер новости для фото:  1

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