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The tournament for the finance students on “Household finances” course


Financier's day is a professional holiday, which is attended by everyone who is related to economic activity. Among them are representatives of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, bankers, employees of commercial departments of private and state-owned enterprises. The event is celebrated by teachers, students, postgraduates, graduates, researchers in this field.

On the eve of the holiday in Stavropol State Agrarian University held celebrations dedicated to the day of the financier.

The main task of the open event, held at the Accounting and Finance faculty, was to check and consolidate the competencies obtained by students, using their resourcefulness and creativity.

The tournament is dedicated to the completion of the course “Household Finances” and is timed to the celebration of the all-Russian Financier's day. The competition was held in the format of the well-known TV quiz show. The organizers of the financial tournament were second-year students under the guidance of teachers of the Department "Finance, credit and insurance". Such format allowed to check knowledge and to reveal abilities of students in the field of management of household finances. 

Дата новости для фото:  08.09.2019
Номер новости для фото:  3

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