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Round table with scientists from Switzer


landWithin the framework of the visit of the scientists delegation from Switzerland, a round table was held at the Stavropol State Agrarian University at which issues of joint cooperation were discussed.

The round table was attended by:

• Dean of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, Professor of the RAS A. Esaulko,

• Head of the Department of Soil Science named after Professor V.I. Tyulpanov, Tskhovrebov V.S., Doctor of Agriculture, Professor

• Head of the Department of General Agriculture, Crop Production, Breeding and Seed Production named after Professor F.I. Bobryshev, Vlasova O.I.,

• Head of the department of production and processing of food products from plant materials, Candidate of Agriculture, associate professor Romanenko E.S.,

• Head of the Department of Land Management and Cadastre, Candidate Agriculture, associate professor Loshakov A.V., ecology and landscape construction Candidate of Agriculture, associate professor Stukalo V.A.,

• Deputy Dean for Research, Candidate of Agriculture, associate professor Aisanov T.S.,

as well as colleagues from Switzerland

• Emanuel Frossard - Professor of the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Member of the National Organization for Scientific Research of Canada, Corresponding Member of the Agricultural Academy of France,

• Daniel Max Schaub - Doctor of Science, Head of the Department for the Study of Groundwater, Soil and Geology of the Environmental Protection Agency in the canton of Argovia, President of the Commonwealth for the Protection of Soil of Switzerland,

• Stefan Burgos - Doctor of Sciences, Professor of the University of Applied Sciences of Bern,

• Rolf Krebs - Ph.D., Professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Zurich, member of the Scientific Society of Soil Science, consultant of the Swiss Federal Organization for Environmental Protection,

• Charles Rafael - Doctor of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Organic Agriculture, Lausanne, member of the Swiss Association of Scientists in the Field of Agriculture and Food,

• Margrit Krause - specialist consultant for the Bureau of Land Degradation in Bern,

• Matias Achermann - Head of the Bureau for the Rational Use of Agricultural Land in Zurich,

• Elizabeth Clement, Consultant of Agricultural Land Protection Division, Ministry of Territorial Planning (Switzerland),

• Jean Pierre Clement - Head of the Soil Protection Division of the Federal Environmental Agency, Member of the Swiss Society of Soil Scientists,

• Francois Fühlemann - soil protection specialist in the canton of Vaud (Switzerland).

For Stavropol State Agrarian University this is the fifth visit of colleagues from Switzerland, however, this year it is held in an expanded format and will include discussion of cooperation with Swiss educational and scientific institutions. During the round table, technologies and mechanisms for the development of international cooperation between universities in the context of increasing competitiveness in the world market of education and science, the search for new approaches and mechanisms for the joint promotion of scientific projects were discussed. Dean, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yesaulko A.N. emphasized that the joint projects implemented by Stavropol State Agrarian University with European universities indicate that even today our countries can cooperate on a mutually beneficial basis. In terms of international cooperation, the SSAU has been conducting systematic work for many years, defining as the mission - building an internationally-oriented university, integration into the international educational and scientific space through expanding ties with the best foreign universities and research organizations, as well as through participation in international educational and research projects. Speakers: Head of the Department of Soil Science named after Professor V.I. Tyulpanov,, Professor Tskhovrebov V.S. Doctor of Agriculture and Head of the Department of General Agriculture, Crop Production, Selection and Seed Production named after Professors F.I. Bobryshev, Vlasova O.I. The faculty scientists proposed the following areas for cooperation: conducting research in the framework of a joint Russian-Swiss scientific project, exchanging students and teachers as part of the student mobility program with Swiss higher education schools, we already have such experience (in 2011, 10 students and three teachers from Switzerland visited the Stavropol Territory; in 2012, 11 students and three teachers of SSAU visited Swiss educational institutions and farms), joint publications and works in leading scientific journals in Europe and Russia, holding joint conferences, round tables, and seminars.

Professor of the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Member of the National Organization for Scientific Research of Canada, Corresponding Member of the Agricultural Academy of France Emanuel Frossard, Doctor of Science, Professor of the University of Applied Sciences of Berne, Stefan Burgos and Doctor of Science, Professor of the University of Applied Sciences of Zurich, Member of the Scientific Soil Societies, Rolf Krebs, consultant to the Swiss Federal Environmental Agency, supported the student exchange initiative, especially for graduate students e, emphasized that in terms of collaborative research we have a lot of common problems and their solutions require the cooperation, which is realized in the course of research projects. 

Дата новости для фото:  16.09.2019
Номер новости для фото:  3

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