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On the basis of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the International Scientific Conference "Transformation of the soil cover and new farming systems of Russia and Switzerland as a path to the transition to organic agriculture" was held


Stavropol State Agrarian University opened its doors to partner guests from Switzerland, who took an active part in the International Scientific Conference “Transformation of soil cover and new farming systems in Russia and Switzerland as a transition to organic agriculture” dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the departments of agriculture and crop production Stavropol State Agrarian University. The event was supported by the Faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources and Ecology and Landscape Architecture.

The conference was opened with a welcoming speech by the Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Council on Science and Education under the President of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Professor Trukhachev Vladimir Ivanovich, who in his speech noted the importance of the event and welcomed guests from Switzerland.

The delegation of foreign scientists included:Emanuel Frossard - Professor of the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, member of the National Organization for Scientific Research of Canada, corresponding member of the Agricultural Academy of France;

Daniel Max Schaub - Doctor of Sciences, Head of the Department for the Study of Groundwater, Soil and Geology of the Environmental Protection Agency in the canton of Argovia, President of the Commonwealth for the Protection of Soil of Switzerland;

Stefan Burgos - Doctor of Sciences, Professor at the University of Applied Sciences of Bern;

Rolf Krebs - Ph.D., Professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Zurich, member of the Soil Science Society, consultant to the Swiss Federal Environmental Organization;

Charles Rafael - Doctor of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Organic Agriculture, Lausanne, member of the Swiss Association of Scientists in the Field of Agriculture and Food;

Matias Achermann - Head of the Bureau for the Rational Use of Agricultural Land in Zurich;

Margrita Krause - Consulting Specialist of the Bureau for Land Degradation in Bern;

Elizabeth Clement - Consultant, Agricultural Land Protection Division, Ministry of Territorial Planning (Switzerland);

Jean Pierre Clement - Head of the Soil Protection Department of the Federal Environmental Agency, Member of the Swiss Society of Soil Scientists;

Francois Fühlemann is a specialist in soil protection in the canton of Vaud (Switzerland).

Vladimir Ivanovich noted the importance of the conference and emphasized that strong scientific, research and simply friendly relations with international partners connect us with the guests. The main areas of cooperation are the implementation of international educational and research programs and projects; organization of internships and internships for students, graduate students and university professors; joint holding of international scientific conferences and seminars.

A dean of the Faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources and Ecology and Landscape Architecture, a Doctor of Agriculture, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yesaulko Alexander Nikolaevich made a report on the subject “Main lines of scientific activity of the faculties of agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture”.

A report on the topic “Sustainable use of soil as a resource” was made by the professor at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, a member of the National Organization for Scientific Research of Canada, and a corresponding member of the Agricultural Academy of France, Emanuel Frossard.

A report on the topic: “Soil Research at the Institute for Organic Agriculture of Switzerland (FIBL)” was delivered by Dr. Rafael Charles, director of the Institute of Organic Agriculture in Lausanne, a member of the Swiss Association of Scientists in Agriculture and Food.

Stefan Burgos, Doctor of Science, professor of the University of Applied Sciences of Bern, made a report on the topic: “Use and conservation of Swiss soil”.

A report on the topic: "Problems of soil fertility in the North Caucasus" was made by the head of the Department of Soil Science named after professors V.I. Tyulpanov, Stavropol State Agrarian University, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Tskhovrebov Valery Sergeevich.

A report on the topic: “75 years of the departments of agriculture and crop production of the Stavropol State Agrarian University” was made by the head of the Department of General Agriculture, Crop Production and Selection named after professor F.I. Bobryshev, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Olga Vlasova.

The guests noted the high level of development of our university, material and technical equipment and the positive effect of cooperation, thanked for the hospitality and the opportunity to get acquainted with the agriculture of the region. So, a professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Berne, Stefan Burgos, said that for the first time he saw black earth with his own eyes, about which he read only in the scientific literature.

All the reports aroused keen interest of the conference participants, and their practical implementation will cause development to rise in the agricultural sector of our countries. 

Дата новости для фото:  17.09.2019
Номер новости для фото:  4

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