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The meeting of freshmen of the Faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources and Ecology and Landscape Architecture with the leaders of public and creative student organizations


Freshmen of the Faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources and Ecology and Landscape Architecture of the Stavropol State Agrarian University met with the head of the Center for Aesthetic Education of Students Ivan Vyacheslavovich Maklakov, the deputy chairman of the primary trade union organization of students Vladimir Avakyan and the activists of the faculties.

In their greetings to the participants of the event, the leaders of public and creative student organizations told how to make student life bright and unforgettable, how to effectively combine study and social life, how to become a student leader of the faculty. Vladimir Avakyan spoke about the trade union committee of students of SSAU and the work that is being done at the university, invited all interested first-year students to become a member of the student trade union organization of SSAU and is actively preparing for the first large-scale event “School of the Young Asset”.

Ivan Maklakov shared information on the work of the Center for Aesthetic Education, spoke about creative contests and festivals that are held at the university, and invited freshmen to the studios and departments of the Center.

In the framework of the discipline "Introduction to the specialty" first-year students are assisted in adapting to student life, to the urban environment. Traditionally, at the first lesson in the discipline "Introduction to the specialty", a meeting was held with the leaders of the faculties: student deans, trade unions, leaders of creative teams and sports sections, commanders of student groups.

Senior students invited freshmen to their ranks and expressed confidence that the years spent at an agricultural university will be interesting and eventful not only in their studies, but also in significant social and creative events! 

Дата новости для фото:  17.09.2019
Номер новости для фото:  3

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